I sustain a focus on relationships, place making, memory, the multiverse, time-space, futurisms and power.
We quicken, enact and embody inspirited beingness that is inextinguishable in dreams or in our will to story memory, knowing, and experience over multiple trajectories.
I’m keen to apply Dene Ndé world views of nizhoni —harmonious relationality and expression of a heightened awareness of being, being present, and being bringing a presence—in writing on subject-matter that far too many have told me is unwritable, unsayable, or unthinkable. Poetry and herstory combined prompt me—no, actually demand my liberation to not be stuck in theorizing other possibilities but to enact quantum physics, creating the multiverse of other possibilities beyond limiting linear imaginaries.
In sum, Ndé poetics create new approaches needed by Ndé poets, writers and creatives to effectively amplify, make, and share experience.
Margo Tamez lives on unceded sqilxw lands on the Okanagan Indian Band Reserve #1 (near Vernon, BC) as an invited guest. She’s works as Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia in the Faculty of Indigenous Studies and the MFA Creative Writing program on the Okanagan campus.